Happy birthday!
Today is the 104th birthday of the Electrical Engineering Chapter! Congratulations!
Klass: E10
Today is the 104th birthday of the Electrical Engineering Chapter! Congratulations!
On Wednesday (12/11) the School council for the EES school will meet in Kröken in Nymble. If you are interested in school matters regarding the EES school you can just…
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On Monday (3/11) the lighting in Tolvan will be changed. The work will start at 08.00, but it will be possible to be in most parts of Tolvan during the…
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The Student Council is currently evaluating if THS should change their primary language to English instead of Swedish. If you want to be a part of the group investigating what…
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We still have 3 seats to fill in the Student Union Council (Kårfullmäktige), check the link for more information about what they do and how to apply! http://ths.kth.se/33786/ta-ditt-engagemang-till-nasta-niva-take-your-engagement-to-the-next-level/
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I morgon är sista dagen att söka till KF! Maila sebhak@kth.se om ni är intresserade eller har några frågor. KF (Kårfullmäktige) är THS högsta beslutande organ, så om du har…
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Styret befinner sig just nu på Frebbenholm 12, det är kickoff-dags! Vi har åkt bil, rott roddbåt, och vandrat längs isiga vägar och stigar med mycket packning för att komma…
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