Author: Anton ter Vehn

Survey for equal treatment

During the year, a survey regarding the equal treatment of chapter members has been done on the chapter of biomedical engineering and the electrochapter. We can happily announce that the…
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(Svenska) December SM handlingar

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(Svenska) Event for december SM

Eventet for december SM is now up on facebook! Find the event here: And make sure to register for food:

(Svenska) Konglig Elektrosektionen kallar till Oktober-SM

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Survery regarding the equal treatment of people

The student chapter of Medical engineering and the student chapter Konglig Elektrosektionen have decided to send out this form regarding equality, diversity and equal treatment to see how the student…
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Chapter Meeting February

Kallelse – Februari SM

Educational film about Electrical engineers

The School of Electrical Engineering recently released a video about what it means to educate yourself to become and Electrical Engineer. The people which participate in the video are currently…
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