Author: Patrik Johansson

Pubevening with Ericsson 22/3

Welcome! The Electrical engineering chapter invites Ericsson to a pub evening on the 22 of mars. Ericsson will bring a couple of managers from different departments to tell you more…
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(Svenska) Elkraftskväll

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Field trip to Syntronic in Gävle!

Take the opportunity to get a glimpse of what your future at a world leading company within product and system development could look like. 20th of February, we would like…
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(Svenska) ePotential.

Welcome to the workfair ePotential from the Electrical engineering chapter. Take the chance to meet a potentially new employer! The fair will take place in Nymble at KTH valhallavägen the…
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(Svenska) Gå före i bostadskön nu!

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