Author: Johan Rågmark

(Svenska) Bravura

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(Svenska) Ansökningsevent | Female Leader Engineer

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(Svenska) Innovation Week

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Union Election Day 2

Here is a link to the statistics of the union election day 2

Global voice – Brazilian evening

This is an event for students from Brazil, students who have been in Brazil and students that are going to Brazil. Read more here:

(Svenska) Utmanas av årskurs 4 om framtidens solenergi

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(Svenska) Masterprogram-bevakning

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(Svenska) KTH Ungfakultet

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(Svenska) Sångartäflan!

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(Svenska) THS Armada Rekryterar

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J-festival is a free, interactive and entertaining pubcrawl for equality. Together we raise the topic “equal value of all differences” – regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, personal abilities or how…
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(Svenska) Energimakrnadsinspektionen Ex-/sommarjobb

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KTH Giants

En ny rekryteringsfilm riktad för att få in fler tjejer på Elektro-, Data- och IT-programmen. Dela gärna!

(Svenska) Deltidsjobb på Academic Work

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International Reception

Hej, Do you want to help the reception for international students at a central level? Then you should apply for the Internationall reception:

Electro got the Bronze-medal in THSM

    Bronze-medal in THS-mastership for floorball! Do you want to join the sport activities contact