Category: Uncategorized

nØllegasque u.n.å. 111110

This years reception is coming to an end and it is time for the gasque marking the receptions end, the nØllegasque. The tickets will go on sale on Tuesday at…
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(Svenska) Konglig Elektrosektionen kallar till Oktober-SM

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Survery regarding the equal treatment of people

The student chapter of Medical engineering and the student chapter Konglig Elektrosektionen have decided to send out this form regarding equality, diversity and equal treatment to see how the student…
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(Svenska) Ansök till Kårfullmäktige

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Chapter Meeting February

Kallelse – Februari SM

(Svenska) Lunchföreläsning – Sveriges Ingenjörer 19/1

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Educational film about Electrical engineers

The School of Electrical Engineering recently released a video about what it means to educate yourself to become and Electrical Engineer. The people which participate in the video are currently…
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Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! to all of you from The Board of the Electrical Engineering Chapter

(Svenska) Utvecklingsingenjör inom elektroteknik sökes!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Thursday pub: School’s (almost) out!

Thursday pub: School’s (almost) out! This term is almost over and PR is going to have their last Thursday pub for this year! Come celebrate that the classes are over…
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Food will be served and the bar will be open. Don’t forget to bring your THS card to be able to vote! The Board will be elected so it is…
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Budget proposal for 2017

Presented below you will find the proposed budget for 2017 Budget proposal 2017

(Svenska) Robotikkväll med ABB på torsdag!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Please note this event will be held in Swedish!

Please note this event will be held in Swedish!

International Gasque

A gasque for the international and Swedish students arranged by EMiT Global. You can now buy tickets to the international gasque! Buy the tickets here: