Category: Uncategorized

James Dyson Award

James Dyson Award is a competition for engineering and design students to encourage young innovators. You can apply for it you have designed something that solves a problem. The Swedish…
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(Svenska) Sök poster!

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(Svenska) KTH söker studentambassadörer

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Equality survey 2020

Have you responded to the annual equality survey? If not, make sure to do before it closes 23:59 tomorrow! The survey can be found on

Information about studying and exams online

Hello everyone! Here is a compilation of the available information about exams and studying under the current conditions. KTH’s FAQ, with for example questions on the technical solutions to online…
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THS election committee elections

The THS election committee is looking for new members! If you’re interested in getting to know the student union and how it functions, feel free to send in an application!…
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(Svenska) Val till Kårfullmäktige

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Equality and diversity survey

Hello everyone! It’s time for the Electrical engineering and Medical engineering chapters’ annual survey on equality and diversity! Find the survey at and fill in your response! The survey…
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(Svenska) Guide till Extra-SM

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(Svenska) Sektionens verksamhet

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(Svenska) Sektionsbilen

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(Svenska) OBS: Tolvan är stängd fr.o.m. onsdag 18/3!

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Survey on digital education

Hello everyone! At the moment the student union THS is working with KTH to ensure the studies will work as smoothly as possible given the circumstances. It is important that…
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(Svenska) Kandidatlista till Extra-SM

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(Svenska) Angående Extra-SM

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Important information concerning Covid-19

KTH is encouraging all students arriving from regions that The Public Health Agency of Sweden has declared as outbreak areas to not visit KTH for 14 days after their arrival…
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