Konglig Elektrosektionen

Summertime closing of our chapter hall

Hi everyone! The chapter hall committee wants to inform you that our chapter hall Tolvan closes for the summer the 20th June and opens again the 29th of July. Don’t…
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(Svenska) Tentapub 4 2019

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Demo Day

From biobased ski helmets to software for autonomous vehicles: See the latest startups from KTH as they graduate from the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program! May 23rd in Nymble. More information

The Law Students’ Associations play 2019

We have been invited by our friends at the The Law Students’ Association to their play (it is in swedish): It is with great honor that we present The Law Students’ Associations…
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(Svenska) Vill du bli studentambassadör?

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(Svenska) Försök att få till omtentamen i TET:en

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(Svenska) Biljettförsäljning Faddergasque 2019

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(Svenska) Intervju med Beyond Research

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International reception

Do you want to be a part of the international reception as a buddy? Apply now! Due the 8th of April!   More information here: https://www.facebook.com/thsint/posts/2390618890971596


The equality, diversity and equal treatment division in the chapter has in collaboration with the same from the Chapter of Medical Engineering created a survey regarding the social environment in…
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Ericsson innovation Work Shop

Are you interested in applying to the Ericsson Innovation Award but need some help with getting started? Ericsson is now arranging a workshop where you can discuss ideas, be inspired…
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Equality Week 2019

Equality Week 2019 is HERE! Do you think that equality is important? Are you curious to learn new things? Or do you just want free lunch? The week is stacked…
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Last chance to get your spring ball ticket!

Here is your last try to get tickets to the vårbal. You can buy them at 23:23 today . https://elektrosektionen.se/varbalen-2019-slapp-2/


Greetings and welcome to this year´s edition of “Sångartäfvlan”, a music competition for those attending the spring bale at the end of April. In this glorious duel of song and…
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(Svenska) Ericsson-Pub Tisdag!

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