Konglig Elektrosektionen

(Svenska) Välkommen på Robotik-Workshop hos Knightec!

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(Svenska) Välkommen på studiebesök hos Syntronic i Gävle!

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(Svenska) Vårbalen u.n.å 111111

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(Svenska) Elkraftskväll med SVK och Rejlers

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Project group for the renovation of the kitchen and bar

Have you worked/used Tolvan a lot and have opinions on what can be improved? Do you want to make Tolvan an even better place? Do you know some things that…
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(Svenska) Casinotentapub!

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(Svenska) Sök fadder mottagningen 2019!!! >3

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Ericsson Innovation Award 2019

The Ericsson Innovation Awards is a global university student competition that gives you the opportunity to drive changes and bring your ideas to life. If you are a university student…
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Save the date!

Saturday 27th of April will be the date for the annual Spring Prom! The tickets for this event will be released further ahead, but make sure you save the date…
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(Svenska) Lunchföreläsning med Intertek!

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What should the car be named?

The Chapter of Electrical Engineering and The Chapter of Medical Engineering´s new car needs a name! The voting closes this Sunday (10/2) at 20.21. Vote here!

Don’t forget to apply for Ericsson Summer internship! Deadline the 20th of January!

Do you want to spend your summer creating tech solutions that solves real time issues? Use your theoretical knowledge you have gained from school, and put it into practice? Want…
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(Svenska) Konspirationstentapub

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Christmas fika with Studdybuddy

NLG (The Medical Engineering chapter) and Studybuddy are arranging a cozy christmas fika from 15:30 at Tolvan on December 12:th. Study buddy will have a presentation about what you can…
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