Konglig Elektrosektionen


Welcome to celebrate the end of exams at Tolvan on October 31st. Buy your tickets here, or just drop by at ~10PM after dinner (no ticket needed).

Dealing with stress, Mindfulness

The student union, THS, in cooperation with KTH and Studenthälsan has arranged four workshops in dealing with stress. The next workshop is the 14:th October 15-16 in Nymble. Read more…
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Please, find enclosed, the announcement of the EE-School scholarships, Autumn 2015

Deadline for applications is October 22, 2015. The application will be done electronically. Indicate in the application that, in case of allocation, you leave the scholarship to your department or…
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(Svenska) SIK-gasquen är kommen

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.


Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.


Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Mottagning – Reception of New Students

Nu är mottagningen i full gång – de roligaste veckorna på året! Vi i styrelsen är väldigt exalterade och vi uppmanar alla att vara med på så mycket som möjligt!…
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Important: English/Swedish Lanugage Plugin Stopped Working

Sorry for the inconvenience – We will try to write the posts in both Swedish and English for the time being.

Crem International

The company, Crem International , offers an exciting international career , starting in the role of Quality Surpervisor where you will work closely with and report directly to the Group’s…
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Support the campaign to get rid of the plastic

Using kickstarter, a campaign has been started to try and free Teddy from the shackles of plastic. Ever since the purchase of his LG Nexus5 in April 2014, the screen has…
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ELAB under new management

A few days ago ELABs members got to together for our yearly meeting and elected ELABs new management. This means that we will now be able to handle new members…
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Paintball: Chapter of Chemistry vs Chapter of Electrical engineering

HI EVERYBODY. Saturday the 23rd of May it is time for an ancient tradition that the two chapters Electrical Engineering and Chemestry have. So ELIN and IN( presents(in cooperation with…
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