Konglig Elektrosektionen

Trainee at Midroc automation


(Svenska) Jobba för KTH Opportunities fund

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Monday Pub at Tolvan

More information about Tolvan’s Monday Pubs can be found here.  

Mentoring programs to attract girls to technical Univesities

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Meet the Student Union at Kårens Dag

Check out the Facebook event aswell: https://www.facebook.com/events/1532185990391801/?fref=ts

(Svenska) Hemligheten till varför en del aldrig behöver söka ett jobb

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Astrada is looking for newly examined engineers

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Summer internship at Ericsson

link to webpage: https://jobs.ericsson.com/job/Stockholm-Summer-Internship-Program-R&D-Stockholm/240645700/

Time for Exam Pub

Tickets at elektrosektionen.se/tentapub2

KTH Student for a day is recruiting

Unfortunately this information only seems to be available in Swedish. https://www.kth.se/student/studentliv/bli-guide-for-student-for-en-dag-1.13537  

New interesting masters theses from Ericsson

https://jobs.ericsson.com/job/Stockholm-Master-Thesis-Augmented-Reality-with-Gesture-Interaction/235651500/ https://jobs.ericsson.com/job/Stockholm-Master-Thesis-Drone-based-multi-view-system/235653600/

(Svenska) Vår miljöbil

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

(Svenska) Dags att söka poster! (Senast 26e november)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.