Konglig Elektrosektionen

(Svenska) Leve Konglig Elektrosektionen, 110 år!

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Check out Armada 2020!

Hi everyone! Here is a message from THS Armada:   Are you currently looking for a thesis project? Or are you already checking out summer jobs for next year? Or…
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(Svenska) Ettans lunch

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Reminder of restrictions

Hello, chapter members! The chapter board would like to remind you of the current restrictions, and KTH’s implementation of them. The following is in place: KTH urges students to stay…
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Information concerning new covid-19 restrictions

Hello! Since the Public health agency has come out with new recommendations for the Stockholm area (these can be found at https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/the-public-health-agency-of-sweden/communicable-disease-control/covid-19/). In light of this, THS and KTH have…
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Equality committee evening in Tolvan

The equality committee is searching for new members! We invite you to a cosy evening Tuesday 27/10 at Tolvan where you can ask your questions about the equality work and…
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(Svenska) Vill du spela musik med dina sektionskamrater?

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(Svenska) Information från kanslifrukost

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(Svenska) Information för Oktober-SM

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Sign up for a Hackathon!

Do you like programming? Do you like hacking? Then you should participate in the Junction 2020 Connected Hackathon! The Hackathon will take place at hubs in several different countries, of…
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(Svenska) Din hjälp behövs på elektrosektionen.se!

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(Svenska) Anmälan för fysisk närvaro på Oktober-SM

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(Svenska) Poster på oktober-SM

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Digital degree project fair 2020

Hello everyone! KTH will soon be hosting a digital degree project fair, where everyone is welcome to explore the various opportunities for degree projects that are available. The fair will…
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(Svenska) Ny information kring festtillstånd i KTH:s lokaler

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(Svenska) Inställda festanmälningar i KTH:s lokaler

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