Tag: sektionsmöte

Handlingar Februari-SM


(Svenska) Handlingar inför Maj-SM

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

(Svenska) Protokoll februari-SM

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(Svenska) Handlingar till feb-SM

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Chapter Meeting February

Kallelse – Februari SM

Agenda for Chapter Meeting in December

Chapter Meeting in December will be held next Monday (12 December) at 17.12 pm in Tolvan. There will be dinner and the bar will be open. The agenda is only…
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Agenda and documents to Chapter Meeting in October

Chapter Meeting in October will be held in Tolvan Thursday 13th at 17.39 pm. Dinner will be served and the bar will be open. The agenda is available only in…
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October Chapter Meeting

Chapter Meeting pdf

Agenda and candidates for Chapter Meeting in May

Only available in Swedish. Chapter Meeting in May will take place in Tolvan 17.32 this wednesday. The bar will be open and dinner will be served.

May Chapter Meeting

Chapter Meeting PDF Valbroschyr (in Swedish) For information about the positions click here.

Chapter Meeting

Chapter meeting The elections at the chapter meeting