ENOVA Case Solving with Ericsson

ENOVA Case Solving with Ericsson


THS Armada’s annual case solving event. Spend an exciting day at the office of our main partner Ericsson, while solving a case within their areas of expertise. A perfect opportunity to expand your network, test yEricsson bannerour skills and meet new friends! After the case presentations a winning group of students will be selected. The day ends with dinner and mingle in a casual setting.

We can already reveal that Ericsson have shown a special interest of Autonomous shuttle buses for this event, as they want to expand the trial of Autonomous Shuttle buses to address specific needs of different markets and users… Do you have what it takes?

November 9th, all day
Ericsson office
All registrations will be reviewed manually, and selected students will be contacted by the 8th of November.
Please register at: https://armada.nu/events/9

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