Ericsson Innovation Awards 2019

Ericsson Innovation Awards 2019

The Ericsson Innovation Awards is a global university student competition that gives you the opportunity to drive changes and bring your ideas to life. If you are a university student working toward your next level of academic knowledge, we challenge you to put your learnings to use and compete for a Grand Prize of 25,000 Euros and a trip to Stockholm to showcase your idea. Regional prizes and professional mentoring are also part of the prize package.

EIA 2019 Theme: Dive Deeper
Nature is our largest resource for technology. Some of our greatest technological achievements were not original ideas, they were found in nature. Sonar, swarm logic, wind turbines, even Velcro, were all created from observing natural elements.

With 71% of Earth being covered by water, what else can we learn if we look a little deeper. Our challenge is to take the natural technology found within water and learn how to use it to develop innovative communication.

Dates to remember:
Jan 28 – Apr 20 – Phase 1: Register your team and submit your idea. Entries could be updated until April 20, 2019 at 11:59 pm (23:59) GMT

April 20 – May 20 – Regional competition

May 20 – Regional winners & semi-finalist announced

July 1 – Oct 10 – Phase 2: Mentorship program

Nov 1 – Finalists Announced

Nov 5 – Dec 5 – Phase 3: Finalists Mentorship

Dec 11 – Nobel Museum Grand Final

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