Ericsson innovation Work Shop

Ericsson innovation Work Shop

Are you interested in applying to the Ericsson Innovation Award but need some help with getting started? Ericsson is now arranging a workshop where you can discuss ideas, be inspired and get coaching from Ericsson engineers to develop your idea. Come join us at the workshop to get your idea and application ready in time and seize the opportunity to meet and ask questions to Ericsson employees. We all know that the best ideas are made on a full stomach so of course dinner will be served!


Ericsson Innovation Award is a global university student competition where teams of students submit ideas on how to use technology within a specific area. The theme for EIA 2019 is Dive Deeper. Our challenge is to take the natural technology found within water and learn how to use it to develop innovative ideas. First prize in the competition is €25.000. The last date to submit your idea to EIA is April 27 (send in your idea in less than 300 words).

Take the chance to get your idea started by joining us at the workshop April 10. Sign up below!

Wednesday 10 April at 17:15-19:45
Open Café, Valhallavägen 79 Stockholm

Last day to register: 4/4 23:59 2019

Sign up for the workshop by filling in the following form:

If you are signed up for the event but can’t come, please email Last day to cancel registration is 31/3 2019.

EIA Main site
For more information about EIA visit: or go to the facebook event


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