Ericsson UniTeam Summer After Work

Ericsson UniTeam Summer After Work

You are invited to the most Uniteam Summer After Work ever. On the 5th of December we want you to join us at Ericsson HQ and get your summer on. We will bring the food, drinks, fun and games and you will bring yourself and your friends. We can’t promise sand and beach but we can promise you a competition where if you win you will get a once in a lifetime opportunity and go direct to an interview with a recruiter for the summer internship. Cause did we mention our summer internship application opens up on the 2nd of December?

Are you in?

Then join us – there will a bus taking you from KTH campus to Ericsson HQ (Torshamnsgatan 21), or if you don’t want to take the bus, you can meet us at Ericsson Headquarters sometime between 17.30 and 18.00. Follow the link to the google form and register now, you don’t want to miss this opportunity. You will get an email to confirm your spot on the 2nd of December. Hope to see you there!

More information on Facebook:

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