FREE! Floorball 4 All!

FREE! Floorball 4 All!


Students of CELTE!
This Friday on the 22nd of January at 17:00 hours, ELIN invites all students of the Electrical Engineering school on KTH  to play floorball for free in:

Brinellvägen 38
(It lies on the opposite side of the B-building on KTH-Campus)

”And these Floorball shots, too accurate for non KTH-students. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise.”

Sith OR Jedi?
Bring your Plastic Saber or rent on spot. And Obi Wan with the ball!
Bring a lock and suitable clothing, double exp. points if Star Wars themed.
Be there or be Alderaanwhere….


Vice Idrottsledare


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