Open house at Infinera the 14th of December!

Open house at Infinera the 14th of December!

A message from our sponsor Infinera! Don’t miss to sign up for their open house the 14th of December.

Hi everyone!

We were pleased to hang out with you at the pub in Tolvan last week. Don’t forget that we have an Open House event at our premises in Liljeholmen Thursday 14th starting at 16:30! Food and drinks will be provided and we will have a guided tour in our office area and labs! In the end there will be some time for mingle and table tennis. Sign up through the link below no later than December 7th. Note that the number of attendees are limited so a sign up through the form is not equivalent to a guaranteed spot. We will confirm back to you after the 7th.

Sign up here!

Kind regards
The Infinera Sweden team

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