THS – Project Coordinator – student sustainability projects on campus

THS – Project Coordinator – student sustainability projects on campus

We at THS have taken the initiative to coordinate the work doing on the sustainability front on campus. There is much good work being done but we lack a comprehensive overview over all projects currently active, which makes it that much harder to supply all kinds of support. This is why we are announcing this new position with the aim of making all progress made by students on campus more visible and as a consequence more students will be able to contribute if they so please.

The goals and vision for this position serves as a quick overview of what the role entails.

Goals as the Campus Project Coordinator

  • Establish and sustain at least four projects focusing on sustainability located on campus, each with a well-defined goal and strategy to accomplish the goals of the project by the end of mandate.
  • For each project have a clear structure on how to report results to Kårstyrelsen and the THS Sustainability group.
  • Make the projects known on campus. 20% positive response rate on the question does there exist a student group working on issues and project concerning sustainability questions.

Visions for the future

“Students that are interested in sustainable development shall have the opportunity and be encouraged to capitalize on that interest.”

  • Sustainability should be incorporated into studies of all programs. Projects within courses allows for engagement in sustainability development on campus.
  • Establish a network (centralized or non centralized) between employees and students of KTH for enabling easy contact for kick starting projects and giving course feedback on the topic of sustainability.

For more information, go to this link:


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