Studiebesök hos Syntronic

Studiebesök hos Syntronic

Syntronic bjuder in alla studenter på elektrosektionen att åka och träffa dom på sitt huvudkontor i Gävle. Läs vidare för mer information.

Take the opportunity to get a glimpse of what your future at a world leading company within product and system development could look like.

20th of February, we would like to invite you for a day where you will meet our fantastic engineers and take part of their career paths. You will get a guided tour in one of Sweden’s most advanced lab environments and we will present some of our recent thesis projects.

Syntronic will arrange the transfer for the day, serve you lunch and we will end the day together with a pub!

Syntronic started in 1983 by two KTH students and we are today a company of more than 800 employees. Our employees are one of the best within the industry. Syntronic is a leading design house specializing in advanced product and systems development, production and aftermarket services. Among our customers and partners are some of the world´s most technology intensive businesses and organizations in sectors such as telecom, defence, industrial, medtech and automotive. We are a global company with offices in Sweden, Canada, China, Indonesia and Malaysia.

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