Category: Kalajs

(Svenska) Ericsson-Pub Tisdag!

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(Svenska) Välkommen på studiebesök hos Syntronic i Gävle!

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Tentapub #4 – Summer is here

Hällo! Summer is here. The exams are over and there will be an awesome TentaGasque. Come and enjoy nice food and sing traditional swedish songs. If you want you can…
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(Svenska) Biljettesläpp Vårbalen

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Tentapub 3 GAINS

Now at last the hideous period 3 ends. How it is celebrated better than a tentapub? It does not! So in your best outfit gain, the tension in the mirror…
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LussePRe 2016!

It’s finally time for the magnificent Christmas table, LussePRe! The 26th of November ProgramRådet and Tolvan invites you to an evening of joy. Tickets will be released Friday the 18th…
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Thursday pub

The exam period is now over and it is November. Why not celebrate this with a Thursday Pub! On November 3, Tolvan will be open and ProgramRådet will of course be behind the…
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Tentapub #1 Come as “not you”

Finally the exams are over, so why not celebrate with each other? ProgramRådet invites you to Tentapub #1- Come as “not you” The dinner will start at 18:23 and the…
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Tickets for n0llegasquen u.n.å. 111101

n0llegasquen u.n.å. 111101

(Svenska) n0llegasque u.n.å. 111101

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TentaPub 3: Charter!

The exams are almost over, but the swedish winter will still be here for a while. Why not  try to escape the cold and travel to warmer latitudes? ProgramRådet would…
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TentaPub 2: DISNEY!

The Winter is here and soon the exams will be over. With this we will of course celebrate with the best of themes! Princes, princesses, dwarfs, mice and ducks. Everyone…
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15-years anniversary

The 7:th of November the Chapter of Electrical Engineering and the Chapter of Chemistry got married. This holy bond would fortify the cooperation between them. On the day of the…
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Spring Prom Invitation

Tickets from 400 SEK for people belonging to any of the two Chapters.  

Monday Pub at Tolvan

More information about Tolvan’s Monday Pubs can be found here.