Konglig Elektrosektionen

(Svenska) Kandidatlista till Extra-SM

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(Svenska) Angående Extra-SM

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Important information concerning Covid-19

KTH is encouraging all students arriving from regions that The Public Health Agency of Sweden has declared as outbreak areas to not visit KTH for 14 days after their arrival…
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(Svenska) Brandprov under söndagen 8/3

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(Svenska) Meddelande från Styret

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Elections for the student union management group and council

The application for the student union management group and the student union council is open! To run as a candidate for the student union council, go to ths.kth.se/en, “My page”…
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February chapter meeting


(Svenska) ePotential – Elektrosektionens arbetsmarknadsdag

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Breakfast with the EECS office for student affairs

This week the chapter board has had its first breakfast with the EECS office for student affairs, and some questions about the studies have been discussed. Here is some information…
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(Svenska) Kandidatlista och valgrund

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(Svenska) Bli Pepp-mentor!

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(Svenska) Ericsson UniTeam Summer After Work

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(Svenska) Teknik för säkerhetens skull

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December Chapter Meeting


(Svenska) Lussepre 20-litton ??

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Case-evening with Knightec

Knightec invites you to a case-competition at their new office in Solna. During the event you will have an opportunity to get to know Knightec and be challenged in a…
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