Konglig Elektrosektionen


Do you want a genuine home made Swedish Christmas table? Every year students gather to make a amazing feast and according to a lot of visitors “One of the best…
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(Svenska) Academic Work i Tolvan

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Pubevning with Midroc

The Electrical Engineering chapter invites Midroc Automation to Tolvan for a pubevning. Sign up in the link below for food. There will also be some drinktickets for the bar avaliable…
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(Svenska) Pubkväll hos Syntronic!

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Do you want to get an insight in and be a part of Scania´s work towards a sustainable transport system during your studies?

Linda Classon, Project Manager at Research & Development will begin with a 20 minutes presentation about her journey at Scania, that started with the Scania Student Intro programme. The other…
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(Svenska) Tentapub/Tentagasque med tema Schlager

Throw away the stress of the exams, put on the glitter make-up and sing in the highest pitch you can. Or bring the favourite slippers together with a nice snack…
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Embedded Systems Meet-up!

Love ASIC/FPGA? We do too! And we would like to show you how much. Also, talk about your opportunities and future at Ericsson and how you can join us, both…
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(Svenska) Intresse av att öka studentinflytandet på masternivå

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What will you do on your Master Thesis?

Hello, On october 10:th Ericsson will come to our chapther hall Tolvan to talk about upcoming master thesis projects. Come by to learn more about what you can do and…
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(Svenska) JML-nämnden

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(Svenska) Sammanslagningsenkät

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October Chapter Meeting Elections

More information in the election broshure

(Svenska) Karriärdag tillsammans med Ericsson, Scania och PRV.

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(Svenska) Sillis efter n0llegasquen

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