Konglig Elektrosektionen

(Svenska) Event for december SM

Eventet for december SM is now up on facebook! Find the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/157182191681463/?notif_t=plan_user_joined&notif_id=1511992191925283 And make sure to register for food: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6jG4Jy2VY0KdKzeEnqJdV9v0LQpuQtax7Vk-TMgOjYzZXwQ/viewform

Welcome to the Robotics Evening!

Sign up form: Link

(Svenska) LussePRe 2017!

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(Svenska) Welcome to pub with Infinera!

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Fixers eve with sauna

13th december is this years last fixers eve. After fixing and cleaning Tolvan we will eat tacos and then go to Nymbles sauna! Attend the event to secure your tacos!…
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(Svenska) Academic Work söker en Junior Produkt Specialist till Leine & Linde.

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(Svenska) Emissions första avsnitt för iår

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(Svenska) Jobbmöjlighet hos Raptor vision!

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(Svenska) Fixarkväll 2017-11-06

Fixers eve the 2017-11-06. Come to fix and clean our chapter hall and get free tacos! Attend the facebook event for tacos! https://www.facebook.com/events/1847974681897137/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%224%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D

Tentapub#1 Bröllop, Biljetter!

Tjoho! Lördagen 28 oktober slår kyrkklockorna för att fira att en tentaperiod har kommit till sitt slut. Biljetterna blir tillgängliga på följande länk http://elektrosektionen.se/tentapub1-biljetter/ ikväll, måndag den 23 oktober. Klockslaget…
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This ad is only available in Swedish

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Elections for Okt-SM

The next Chapter Meeting will be held the 10:th October, and for this meeting the following positions will be elected: IntSekt Krill ÅRe E-post Esquaderamiralen Vice Idrottsledar(en) Hurtbullar Don’t know…
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BCG Gamma Journey

Are you a masters student with a passion for advanced analytics, and would like to work with world-class data scientists and on transformative projects for the world’s largest companies?  …
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nØllegasque u.n.å. 111110

This years reception is coming to an end and it is time for the gasque marking the receptions end, the nØllegasque. The tickets will go on sale on Tuesday at…
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(Svenska) Konglig Elektrosektionen kallar till Oktober-SM

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