Konglig Elektrosektionen

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Tentapub #4 – Summer is here

Hällo! Summer is here. The exams are over and there will be an awesome TentaGasque. Come and enjoy nice food and sing traditional swedish songs. If you want you can…
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Survery regarding the equal treatment of people

The student chapter of Medical engineering and the student chapter Konglig Elektrosektionen have decided to send out this form regarding equality, diversity and equal treatment to see how the student…
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(Svenska) Sweco söker nyexaminerad elkraftsingenjör till Västerås!

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(Svenska) Biljettesläpp Vårbalen

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(Svenska) Ansök till Midroc Traineeprogram!

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Tentapub 3 GAINS

Now at last the hideous period 3 ends. How it is celebrated better than a tentapub? It does not! So in your best outfit gain, the tension in the mirror…
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(Svenska) Ansök till Kårfullmäktige

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Chapter Meeting February

Kallelse – Februari SM

(Svenska) Ericsson Innovation Awards 2017

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(Svenska) Lunchföreläsning – Sveriges Ingenjörer 19/1

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Educational film about Electrical engineers

The School of Electrical Engineering recently released a video about what it means to educate yourself to become and Electrical Engineer. The people which participate in the video are currently…
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Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! to all of you from The Board of the Electrical Engineering Chapter