Author: Henrik Åkerberg

(Svenska) Information från kanslifrukost

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(Svenska) Information för Oktober-SM

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Sign up for a Hackathon!

Do you like programming? Do you like hacking? Then you should participate in the Junction 2020 Connected Hackathon! The Hackathon will take place at hubs in several different countries, of…
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(Svenska) Anmälan för fysisk närvaro på Oktober-SM

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Digital degree project fair 2020

Hello everyone! KTH will soon be hosting a digital degree project fair, where everyone is welcome to explore the various opportunities for degree projects that are available. The fair will…
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(Svenska) Ny information kring festtillstånd i KTH:s lokaler

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(Svenska) Inställda festanmälningar i KTH:s lokaler

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(Svenska) Kurs för stresshantering för studenter

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Participate in shaping KTH:s future sustainability work!

Are you interested in sustainability? Do you want to participate in the making of KTH:s sustainability goals for 2021-2025? Then you should attend the sustainability goal workshop September 3! Read…
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Nominate someone for The President’s equality and diversity prize for students!

Nominations are now open for The President’s equality and diversity prize for students. If you know of a student/students who has made a contribution to equality and diversity work at…
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President’s decision on the following semester

Hello everyone! Sigbritt Karlsson, the president of KTH, has now made an official decision on the following autumn semester, based on the recent governmental guidelines. The full decision is only…
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Voting in the chapter meeting

To vote in the chapter meeting you need to be logged in to VoteIT: If you were present last chapter meeting, use the login you made then, otherwise you will…
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(Svenska) Kanslifrukost 3

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Equality survey 2020

Have you responded to the annual equality survey? If not, make sure to do before it closes 23:59 tomorrow! The survey can be found on

Information about studying and exams online

Hello everyone! Here is a compilation of the available information about exams and studying under the current conditions. KTH’s FAQ, with for example questions on the technical solutions to online…
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THS election committee elections

The THS election committee is looking for new members! If you’re interested in getting to know the student union and how it functions, feel free to send in an application!…
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