Author: Henrik Åkerberg

(Svenska) Tack till alla funktionärer

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(Svenska) Var med i slutspurten på Musikhjälpen!

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(Svenska) Ge till Musikhjälpen med Elektrosektionen!

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Digital events for international students

Hello, are you an international student staying in Stockholm during the winter holidays? Then the chapters and administration of the EECS school would like to invite you to a ten…
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(Svenska) Information från kanslifrukost

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Reminder of the alcohol rules of the chapter hall

Hello everyone. Last saturday an incident occured where people were caught drinking alcohol in the chapter hall late in the evening. The chapter board considers this a very serious matter,…
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(Svenska) Var med och fixa event för internationella EECS-studenter!

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(Svenska) Stormöte med KTH centralt om utbildningen

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(Svenska) Skåda Elogens julkalender från och med i morgon!

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(Svenska) Bli matte-mentor för begåvade barn!

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(Svenska) Leve Konglig Elektrosektionen, 110 år!

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Check out Armada 2020!

Hi everyone! Here is a message from THS Armada:   Are you currently looking for a thesis project? Or are you already checking out summer jobs for next year? Or…
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(Svenska) Ettans lunch

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Reminder of restrictions

Hello, chapter members! The chapter board would like to remind you of the current restrictions, and KTH’s implementation of them. The following is in place: KTH urges students to stay…
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Information concerning new covid-19 restrictions

Hello! Since the Public health agency has come out with new recommendations for the Stockholm area (these can be found at In light of this, THS and KTH have…
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Equality committee evening in Tolvan

The equality committee is searching for new members! We invite you to a cosy evening Tuesday 27/10 at Tolvan where you can ask your questions about the equality work and…
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