Use the form below to purchase Your ticket to the event ”International Gasque” on Wednesday the 22nd April in ”Stora Gasque” (Nymble).
Here is a small dictionary to help you fill out the forms:
Förnamn – First Name, Efternamn – Surname, Mobilnummer – Phone number, E-post – E-mail, Anknytning – Affiliation, Matpreferenser / Allergier – Food preferences, Alkoholfritt önskas – Alcohol free ticket, Respektive – I wish to bring ”plus one”
You can access a translated version of this page by clicking here (Google translate).
Please note the tickets are NOT refundable, and your are not allowed to bring alcohol!
If you have any questions Kajsa Hjort will help you. Send an email to her!
[e_payment no_pers_num show_plus_one hide_song_book hide_sponsor hide_placement hide_nollegrupp show_external show_alumni show_left hide_open International Gasque 2]